Class SeamHttpAcsCredentials Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:39 Constructorsconstructor new SeamHttpAcsCredentials ( apiKeyOrOptions ? ) : SeamHttpAcsCredentials Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:43 Propertiesclient client : AxiosInstance
Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:40 Readonly
defaults Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:41 Accessors Methodsassign assign ( body ? ) : SeamHttpRequest < void , undefined > Parameters Optional
body : { acs_credential_id : string ; acs_user_id : string ; } acs_credential_id : string acs_user_id : string Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:165 create create ( body ? ) : SeamHttpRequest < SetNonNullable < Required < { acs_credential : { access_method : "code" | "card" | "mobile_key" ; acs_credential_id : string ; acs_credential_pool_id ?: string ; acs_system_id : string ; acs_user_id ?: string ; card_number ?: null | string ; code ?: null | string ; created_at : string ; display_name : string ; ends_at ?: string ; errors : { error_code : string ; message : string ; } [] ; external_type ?: | "pti_card" | "brivo_credential" | "hid_credential" | "visionline_card" | "salto_ks_credential" ; external_type_display_name ?: string ; is_issued ?: boolean ; is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider ?: boolean ; is_managed : true ; is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?: boolean ; issued_at ?: null | string ; latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at ?: string ; parent_acs_credential_id ?: string ; starts_at ?: string ; visionline_metadata ?: { auto_join ?: boolean ; card_function_type : "guest" | "staff" ; card_id ?: string ; common_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; credential_id ?: string ; guest_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; is_valid ?: boolean ; joiner_acs_credential_ids ?: string [] ; } ; warnings : { message : string ; warning_code : string ; } [] ; workspace_id : string ; } ; } > , "acs_credential" > , "acs_credential" > Parameters Optional
body : { access_method : "code" | "card" | "mobile_key" ; acs_user_id : string ; allowed_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; assa_abloy_vostio_metadata ?: { join_all_guest_acs_entrances ?: boolean ; override_all_guest_acs_entrances ?: boolean ; override_guest_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; } ; code ?: string ; credential_manager_acs_system_id ?: string ; ends_at ?: string ; is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?: boolean ; starts_at ?: string ; visionline_metadata ?: { assa_abloy_credential_service_mobile_endpoint_id ?: string ; auto_join ?: boolean ; card_format ?: "TLCode" | "rfid48" ; card_function_type ?: "guest" | "staff" ; is_override_key ?: boolean ; joiner_acs_credential_ids ?: string [] ; override ?: boolean ; } ; } access_method : "code" | "card" | "mobile_key" acs_user_id : string Optional
allowed_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] Optional
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata ?: { join_all_guest_acs_entrances ?: boolean ; override_all_guest_acs_entrances ?: boolean ; override_guest_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; } Optional
join_all_guest_acs_entrances ?: boolean Optional
override_all_guest_acs_entrances ?: boolean Optional
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] Optional
code ?: string Optional
credential_manager_acs_system_id ?: string Optional
ends_at ?: string Optional
is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?: boolean Optional
starts_at ?: string Optional
visionline_metadata ?: { assa_abloy_credential_service_mobile_endpoint_id ?: string ; auto_join ?: boolean ; card_format ?: "TLCode" | "rfid48" ; card_function_type ?: "guest" | "staff" ; is_override_key ?: boolean ; joiner_acs_credential_ids ?: string [] ; override ?: boolean ; } Optional
assa_abloy_credential_service_mobile_endpoint_id ?: string Optional
auto_join ?: boolean Optional
card_format ?: "TLCode" | "rfid48" Optional
card_function_type ?: "guest" | "staff" Optional
is_override_key ?: boolean Optional
joiner_acs_credential_ids ?: string [] Optional
override ?: boolean Returns SeamHttpRequest < SetNonNullable < Required < { acs_credential : { access_method : "code" | "card" | "mobile_key" ; acs_credential_id : string ; acs_credential_pool_id ?: string ; acs_system_id : string ; acs_user_id ?: string ; card_number ?: null | string ; code ?: null | string ; created_at : string ; display_name : string ; ends_at ?: string ; errors : { error_code : string ; message : string ; } [] ; external_type ?: | "pti_card" | "brivo_credential" | "hid_credential" | "visionline_card" | "salto_ks_credential" ; external_type_display_name ?: string ; is_issued ?: boolean ; is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider ?: boolean ; is_managed : true ; is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?: boolean ; issued_at ?: null | string ; latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at ?: string ; parent_acs_credential_id ?: string ; starts_at ?: string ; visionline_metadata ?: { auto_join ?: boolean ; card_function_type : "guest" | "staff" ; card_id ?: string ; common_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; credential_id ?: string ; guest_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; is_valid ?: boolean ; joiner_acs_credential_ids ?: string [] ; } ; warnings : { message : string ; warning_code : string ; } [] ; workspace_id : string ; } ; } > , "acs_credential" > , "acs_credential" > Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:174 delete delete ( body ? ) : SeamHttpRequest < void , undefined > Parameters Optional
body : { acs_credential_id : string ; } acs_credential_id : string Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:185 get get ( body ? ) : SeamHttpRequest < SetNonNullable < Required < { acs_credential : { access_method : "code" | "card" | "mobile_key" ; acs_credential_id : string ; acs_credential_pool_id ?: string ; acs_system_id : string ; acs_user_id ?: string ; card_number ?: null | string ; code ?: null | string ; created_at : string ; display_name : string ; ends_at ?: string ; errors : { error_code : string ; message : string ; } [] ; external_type ?: | "pti_card" | "brivo_credential" | "hid_credential" | "visionline_card" | "salto_ks_credential" ; external_type_display_name ?: string ; is_issued ?: boolean ; is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider ?: boolean ; is_managed : true ; is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?: boolean ; issued_at ?: null | string ; latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at ?: string ; parent_acs_credential_id ?: string ; starts_at ?: string ; visionline_metadata ?: { auto_join ?: boolean ; card_function_type : "guest" | "staff" ; card_id ?: string ; common_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; credential_id ?: string ; guest_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; is_valid ?: boolean ; joiner_acs_credential_ids ?: string [] ; } ; warnings : { message : string ; warning_code : string ; } [] ; workspace_id : string ; } ; } > , "acs_credential" > , "acs_credential" > Parameters Optional
body : { acs_credential_id : string ; } acs_credential_id : string Returns SeamHttpRequest < SetNonNullable < Required < { acs_credential : { access_method : "code" | "card" | "mobile_key" ; acs_credential_id : string ; acs_credential_pool_id ?: string ; acs_system_id : string ; acs_user_id ?: string ; card_number ?: null | string ; code ?: null | string ; created_at : string ; display_name : string ; ends_at ?: string ; errors : { error_code : string ; message : string ; } [] ; external_type ?: | "pti_card" | "brivo_credential" | "hid_credential" | "visionline_card" | "salto_ks_credential" ; external_type_display_name ?: string ; is_issued ?: boolean ; is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider ?: boolean ; is_managed : true ; is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?: boolean ; issued_at ?: null | string ; latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at ?: string ; parent_acs_credential_id ?: string ; starts_at ?: string ; visionline_metadata ?: { auto_join ?: boolean ; card_function_type : "guest" | "staff" ; card_id ?: string ; common_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; credential_id ?: string ; guest_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; is_valid ?: boolean ; joiner_acs_credential_ids ?: string [] ; } ; warnings : { message : string ; warning_code : string ; } [] ; workspace_id : string ; } ; } > , "acs_credential" > , "acs_credential" > Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:194 list list ( body ? ) : SeamHttpRequest < SetNonNullable < Required < { acs_credentials : { access_method : "code" | "card" | "mobile_key" ; acs_credential_id : string ; acs_credential_pool_id ?: string ; acs_system_id : string ; acs_user_id ?: string ; card_number ?: null | string ; code ?: null | string ; created_at : string ; display_name : string ; ends_at ?: string ; errors : { error_code : string ; message : string ; } [] ; external_type ?: | "pti_card" | "brivo_credential" | "hid_credential" | "visionline_card" | "salto_ks_credential" ; external_type_display_name ?: string ; is_issued ?: boolean ; is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider ?: boolean ; is_managed : true ; is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?: boolean ; issued_at ?: null | string ; latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at ?: string ; parent_acs_credential_id ?: string ; starts_at ?: string ; visionline_metadata ?: { auto_join ?: boolean ; card_function_type : "guest" | "staff" ; card_id ?: string ; common_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; credential_id ?: string ; guest_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; is_valid ?: boolean ; joiner_acs_credential_ids ?: string [] ; } ; warnings : { message : string ; warning_code : string ; } [] ; workspace_id : string ; } [] ; } > , "acs_credentials" > , "acs_credentials" > Returns SeamHttpRequest < SetNonNullable < Required < { acs_credentials : { access_method : "code" | "card" | "mobile_key" ; acs_credential_id : string ; acs_credential_pool_id ?: string ; acs_system_id : string ; acs_user_id ?: string ; card_number ?: null | string ; code ?: null | string ; created_at : string ; display_name : string ; ends_at ?: string ; errors : { error_code : string ; message : string ; } [] ; external_type ?: | "pti_card" | "brivo_credential" | "hid_credential" | "visionline_card" | "salto_ks_credential" ; external_type_display_name ?: string ; is_issued ?: boolean ; is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider ?: boolean ; is_managed : true ; is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?: boolean ; issued_at ?: null | string ; latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at ?: string ; parent_acs_credential_id ?: string ; starts_at ?: string ; visionline_metadata ?: { auto_join ?: boolean ; card_function_type : "guest" | "staff" ; card_id ?: string ; common_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; credential_id ?: string ; guest_acs_entrance_ids ?: string [] ; is_valid ?: boolean ; joiner_acs_credential_ids ?: string [] ; } ; warnings : { message : string ; warning_code : string ; } [] ; workspace_id : string ; } [] ; } > , "acs_credentials" > , "acs_credentials" > Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:205 listAccessibleEntrances listAccessibleEntrances ( body ? ) : SeamHttpRequest < SetNonNullable < Required < { acs_entrances : { acs_entrance_id : string ; acs_system_id : string ; assa_abloy_vostio_metadata ?: { door_name : string ; door_number ?: number ; door_type : | "CommonDoor" | "EntranceDoor" | "GuestDoor" | "Elevator" ; pms_id ?: string ; stand_open ?: boolean ; } ; created_at : string ; display_name : string ; dormakaba_community_metadata ?: { access_point_name : string ; } ; errors : { error_code : string ; message : string ; } [] ; latch_metadata ?: { accessibility_type : string ; door_name : string ; door_type : string ; is_connected : boolean ; } ; salto_ks_metadata ?: { battery_level : string ; door_name : string ; intrusion_alarm ?: boolean ; left_open_alarm ?: boolean ; lock_type : string ; locked_state : string ; online ?: boolean ; privacy_mode ?: boolean ; } ; visionline_metadata ?: { door_category : | "common" | "guest" | "entrance" | "elevator reader" | "common (PMS)" ; door_name : string ; profiles ?: { visionline_door_profile_id : ...; visionline_door_profile_type : ...; } [] ; } ; } [] ; } > , "acs_entrances" > , "acs_entrances" > Parameters Optional
body : { acs_credential_id : string ; } acs_credential_id : string Returns SeamHttpRequest < SetNonNullable < Required < { acs_entrances : { acs_entrance_id : string ; acs_system_id : string ; assa_abloy_vostio_metadata ?: { door_name : string ; door_number ?: number ; door_type : | "CommonDoor" | "EntranceDoor" | "GuestDoor" | "Elevator" ; pms_id ?: string ; stand_open ?: boolean ; } ; created_at : string ; display_name : string ; dormakaba_community_metadata ?: { access_point_name : string ; } ; errors : { error_code : string ; message : string ; } [] ; latch_metadata ?: { accessibility_type : string ; door_name : string ; door_type : string ; is_connected : boolean ; } ; salto_ks_metadata ?: { battery_level : string ; door_name : string ; intrusion_alarm ?: boolean ; left_open_alarm ?: boolean ; lock_type : string ; locked_state : string ; online ?: boolean ; privacy_mode ?: boolean ; } ; visionline_metadata ?: { door_category : | "common" | "guest" | "entrance" | "elevator reader" | "common (PMS)" ; door_name : string ; profiles ?: { visionline_door_profile_id : ...; visionline_door_profile_type : ...; } [] ; } ; } [] ; } > , "acs_entrances" > , "acs_entrances" > Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:216 unassign unassign ( body ? ) : SeamHttpRequest < void , undefined > Parameters Optional
body : { acs_credential_id : string ; acs_user_id : string ; } acs_credential_id : string acs_user_id : string Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:230 update update ( body ? ) : SeamHttpRequest < void , undefined > Parameters Optional
body : { acs_credential_id : string ; code ?: string ; ends_at ?: string ; } acs_credential_id : string Optional
code ?: string Optional
ends_at ?: string Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:241 updateClientSessionToken updateClientSessionToken ( clientSessionToken ) : Promise < void > Parameters clientSessionToken : string Returns Promise < void > Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:139 Static
fromApiKey fromApiKey ( apiKey , options ? ) : SeamHttpAcsCredentials Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:60 Static
fromClient fromClient ( client , options ? ) : SeamHttpAcsCredentials Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:49 Static
fromClientSessionToken fromClientSessionToken ( clientSessionToken , options ? ) : SeamHttpAcsCredentials Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:71 Static
fromConsoleSessionToken fromConsoleSessionToken ( consoleSessionToken , workspaceId , options ? ) : SeamHttpAcsCredentials Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:105 Static
fromPersonalAccessToken fromPersonalAccessToken ( personalAccessToken , workspaceId , options ? ) : SeamHttpAcsCredentials Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:122 Static
fromPublishableKey fromPublishableKey ( publishableKey , userIdentifierKey , options ? ) : Promise < SeamHttpAcsCredentials > Defined in src/lib/seam/connect/routes/acs-credentials.ts:85
ID of the desired credential.